STEAM-based content creator
During the initial stages of drafting my book, Saranne's assistance was invaluable. Her advice on research methods and writing techniques gave my work vital credibility. Moreover, her copy-editing skills greatly improved the flow of my writing, considerably helping to reduce what threatened to be far too lengthy! She was both considerate in her criticisms and observations whilst remaining firm in her suggestions. Many thanks to her for her professionalism and support.
Anna De Santis - Open University European Student of International Studies (BA)
On behalf of my company and my partners, I would like to thank Saranne for her tremendous assistance in the set up of the marketing and promotional side of our new business in Italy. Her work rate, dedication to the tasks set out for her and her strategic planning during each stage of the project were of the highest quality. Her ability to adjust her approach at short notice showed incredible skill as well as her capacity to keep calm under pressure. Her translation and writing of documents in German, Italian and English were very clearly structured, well-presented and articulate. We are more than happy with the quality of her work which has been reflected in feedback from our clients. We highly recommend Saranne to any company and we will definitely be using her services again in the future.
Graham Herbert - Director: Eco Italian Farmhouses
Ero alla disperata ricerca di un traduttore per un libro in tedesco - il riferimento più importante del mio lavoro di tesi che tratta dell'evoluzione storica e artistica dei tableaux vivants e degli artisti che praticarono le prime forme di performance.
Il lavoro coinvolge anche il teatro e le pratiche museali connesse ad esso, cioè come dai tableaux vivants si sia passati alla performance e come questa può aiutare la comunicazione museale. Saranne non solo mi ha tradotto un intero capitolo del libro, ma ha colto molti significati e termini che in altri casi sarebbero stati difficili da cogliere e tradurre. Il lavoro è ottimo, come la consulenza durante la commissione, è stata molto disponibile al cambiamento anche in casi difficili, come: tempi di consegna accorciati, complicanze nel lavoro, ecc. consigliandomi sempre la scelta e la soluzione migliore. Consiglierei a chiunque dovesse fare un lavoro di questo tipo la sua consulenza, per la professionalità, la cordialità e per la sua grande dolcezza.
Martina Caronna, University of Macerata. Thesis title “Tableaux vivants: le arti performative e la comunicazione museale”

Saranne's professionalism, attention to detail and timeliness have been an incredible help to me on several occasions as a university student. Her copy-editing and, at times, her guidance and advice have been crucial to a well-written and impeccably presented text, while always remaining mindful and respectful of my writing style and ideas. I would definitely recommend her as a trustworthy and highly-qualified professional.
June Bush - The Warner Letters: The Experiences of Two English Brothers During the Indian Rebellion of 1857-1859
